Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatments

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The first five anxiety disorder treatments are widely understood: Antidepressant Medications, which are also known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), are often prescribed for overcoming anxiety. The original five anxiety conditions are also well-known: Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, GAD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Although specific phobias are very common in the general population too, they seldom prompt patients to consult with a psychiatrist. Some anxiety disorder symptoms may occasionally cause the onset of depression. The SSRIs have proven effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders when taken for long periods of time. For the best anxiety disorder treatments please visit :

The most common symptoms of anxiety disorders include overwhelming fears, apprehension of impending doom, and avoidance of certain situations. For those who suffer acute attacks, the symptoms can be crippling, resulting in avoidance of social situations. For others, these intense symptoms may occur on an intermittent basis. Regardless of how frequently the anxiety occurs, the attacks are highly disruptive in their personal and professional life. Fortunately, there are many anxiety disorder treatments that can help alleviate the symptoms.

Bipolar Illness is another category of anxiety disorder treatments, which treat the manic episodes of the condition. Manic episodes are characterized by increased energy levels, racing thoughts, increased irritability, restlessness, and an intense level of self-esteem or ego involvement. These symptoms are commonly associated with suicide attempts and self-harm. In addition, bipolar illness patients frequently exhibit symptoms of panic attacks. Common bipolar illness treatments include mood stabilizers, antidepressants, anti-seizure medications, and anticonvulsants.

As mentioned, Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms include alternating periods of anxiety or worry and periods of relative calm or serenity. When faced with consistent and exaggerated worry or fear, many people may begin to feel that they are suffering from a mental disorder or a physical illness. In many cases this can lead to self-medication with substances such as alcohol or prescription pain relievers. Unfortunately, substance abuse and addiction often accompany the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. This is why it is important to investigate all possible anxiety disorder treatments before self-medicating. The WokeHero is one of the best disorder treatments service provider.

Anti-anxiety drugs such as benzodiazepines are widely used in the treatment of anxiety disorders. These drugs are widely regarded as among the most effective treatments available. Unfortunately, these medications carry significant side effects and they may even result in addiction if abuse is involved. Some of the common side effects of long-term benzodiazepine use include respiratory depression, hallucinations, memory loss, slowed breathing, hypotension, drowsiness, slurred sleep, decreased libido, and memory problems. In addition to the potential for addiction, patients must also be careful about the dosage and duration of these drugs.

The most widely used non-medical approach to treating anxious and fearful patients is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Although, as previously mentioned, this form of treatment resistance is very real, it does represent an excellent alternative to pharmacologically based treatments. CBT can effectively help patients gain a better understanding of their fears and how these factors contribute to their anxiety disorders. As, well as helping patients gain a better understanding of their symptoms and how these factors interact, CBT can also teach them to challenge their negative thoughts and reframe their beliefs. When a patient learns to challenge and change his/her thoughts and beliefs, many times this creates the sort of "tapping" phenomenon referred to as "behavioral replacement" (or BMR). You can get more enlightened on this topic by reading here: